Find Your Path Forward

Individual Therapy for Adults Who
Want More from Life

Available Online throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania


You wake up each morning feeling defeated.

There’s a nagging voice in your head creating an endless stream of hypothetical scenarios and forcing you to pour over every choice obsessively.

You hope that no one will be able to recognize the emptiness behind your smile or realize how little joy you have in your life.

It feels like you’re just going through the motions of life. You desperately hope tomorrow will be different, but you know it won’t be.

Why can’t I break free from these patterns?

The pain of your past has trapped you in a repetitive loop. Emotions arise, and you react to them, which prompts new feelings to react to.

It seems like the only way to get any peace is to shut down completely. You go numb and ignore your emotions for as long as you can.

But something always happens to trigger them again, and in an instant, you’re right back where you started.

Your self-esteem is at an all-time low.

“Today will be better,” you tell yourself. “I won’t overdo it.” But then you get some bad news at work, and your stress starts to rise.

So, you look for relief at the bottom of a pint of ice cream or a bag of chips. And it does offer some brief comfort.

But it’s immediately replaced by shame, self-criticism, and helplessness.

You know you need a change.

You’ve tried keeping busy all day to keep the negative thoughts at bay. But at night, you lay in bed awake, thoughts racing.

You’ve spent hours in the bookstore in the self-help section looking for answers. You think you found the perfect book, but it sits at home on your nightstand collecting dust.

You spend hours writing up a plan for what you can eat and when. You have a plan for your workout in the gym. You review it thinking this is it, you’ve finally made a plan that will keep you from overdoing it.


Do not dwell on the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.

– Buddha

Hi, I’m Allyson!

And I can’t wait to walk beside you on this path, exploring where you are, where you want to go, and how to get you there.

I use a holistic, practical, and direct approach to uncover the obstacles keeping you stuck in place, heal your past wounds, and help you start living your best, most authentic life.

Just like you, I’ve experienced my fair share of pain, but I made it through to the other side stronger and more resilient, and I can help you do the same.

You’re not alone in this. Consider me your co-pilot on your journey. Take the next step forward now.

More About me

What I Offer


Individual Therapy



The only way out is through.

Don’t spend any longer ignoring your struggles and hoping they resolve on their own.

Get the help you need and deserve. Call me now, and let’s get started on this healing journey!

call now (631) 398-2853